Logistics & operations

On top of the movements, anywhere, anytime with the DycoTrade Logistical module.

Stay in control of all logistical movements, whether these are moving from origins to warehouses, between warehouses, or to customers. The DycoTrade Logistical module allows full flexibility in the granularity of physical transport tracking.

Logistical architecture in DycoTrade

The DycoTrade Logistical module is built out of a three-layer structure which can be visualized using a container on a vessel in a harbour:

  • The Logistic file provides a link to physical contracts or inventory positions and is the input for further logistical movement.
  • Transports, which a Logistic file can have any number of, allow you to register physical movements, apply costs and accruals and perform weight-based adjustments.
  • The lowest level, Transport units, is used for accurate and down-to-the-details entry of information related to containers, trucks, railcars, pallets, etc.

Additional functionality includes:

  • Follow-up transports to track multi-modal or multi-leg movements
  • Transport unit (container, pallet, bag) tracking including seal numbers, pallet Id’s, refrigeration level, and bag labels
  • Batch/lot allocation to specific containers, pallets, or trucks full history logging to track data changes and movements

Your industry has its own focus and specific needs. In other words, we know your market.

Through the years DycoTrade has become very experienced in implementing solutions for customers worldwide. This results in providing support whenever it is required from a Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&SCM partner.

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