For over two decades, our unwavering focus has been on serving Commodity Trading companies globally. Today, DycoTrade has translated that focus into a market leading ISV solution. This makes us one of the very few (if not the only) end-to-end solution in commodity trading.
We excel in translating customer needs and processes into software solutions and vice versa, integrating new software functionalities into the daily operations of our clients. This expertise ensures we understand the nuances of running a commodity trading business and how to bolster traders, logistics teams, and finance departments.
This wealth of knowledge is embedded in our flagship product: DycoTrade Commodity Trade & Risk Management (CTRM).
DycoTrade CTRM encompasses five elements: Terminal Market, Forex, Physical Market, Logistics, and Accounting and being embedded in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management, we offer the market’s only comprehensive solution with such a sophisticated suite of functionalities, certified by Microsoft.
Our mission is to deliver industry-standard solutions to international trading companies worldwide, aiding them in increasing revenue, reducing costs, evaluating risks, and providing exceptional services to their clients.
Leveraging Microsoft Dynamics 365 as our core, we fully utilize the integrated Microsoft Business Solutions suite. Our toolkit for equipping your teams includes the versatile low-code, no-code Power Platform for applications, workflows, and portals, Microsoft Fabric for cutting-edge data engineering, Data Factory, BI, data science, real-time analytics, data warehouses, and databases.
To support our customers in becoming truly data-driven, DycoTrade integrates with third-party solutions when advantageous. This includes areas like advanced logistic visibility (Project 44), automated invoice processing (Scansys), and the design and upkeep of document layouts (LaserNet, Docentric).
The synergy of Microsoft’s technology and our industry-specific expertise guarantees seamless implementation. SureStep, a proven Microsoft project methodology grounded in practical business experience, lays a strong foundation for the implementation and allows us to collaborate with local partners as needed.
Should the need arise for availability and/or support from a local Dynamics 365 partner, DycoTrade can facilitate this through our extensive international partner network. Our partners are equipped to provide certified local support, such as configuring specific features as required.