Using DycoTrade for about 6 years, Rhumveld, Winter en Konijn (RWK) considered this fall to be the right time to implement a full DycoTrade Upgrade from Dynamics AXV4.0 to DycoTrade 2012. This decision has been based on the rich (new) Dynamics AX functionality in AX2012 as well as the added functionality in DycoTrade over the years.
Not only upgrading but also incorporating other businesses and offices on the new DycoTrade environment challenges RWK as well as the DycoTrade implementation team. A full re-implementation, including broad functionality and several business entities is at hand. Still, RWK, her parent company De Monchy NV and DycoTrade have full faith in an optimized, lean and mean solution to conduct all businesses. As business review, registration and control are important in these times, A part of the project at hand is aimed for Business Intelligence and reporting, using TARGIT™ software, in combination with DycoTrade information Cubes.
The project at hand is carried out by end customer supported by a Full Swing DycoTrade team, convering Trade, Finance, Logistics, Production, Quality management, Project Management and Technical services. The environment will be installed on a hosted solution, providing maximum performance, security and access worldwide.
About De Monchy NV
RWK, based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, is part of the De Monchy NV (Holding company) which has participation in 10+ companies, with an international vision towards business. Commodity trading companies in this set will be working with DycoTrade, several others will work solely with Dynamics AX2012. Although DycoTrade is fully integrated in Microsoft’s Dynamics AX, it is still possible to work with the rich standard functionality within Dynamics AX2012.
In the past DycoTrade has been an accelerator for business. Entities working with DycoTrade for 5+ years have experienced a substantial growth in productivity, efficiency, customer satisfaction and risk-control.